How to Beat Inflation

What is Inflation?

Recently inflation has been a hot topic, but what exactly is inflation and why does it matter so much? Inflation is the rate of increase in prices over a given period of time caused by an increase in the money supply. Since this causes more money to chase after the same amount of goods and services in our economy, prices increase. Our money then has less purchasing power because we end up paying more for things than before. Inflation is not a new phenomenon but hasn’t been a big issue since the early 1980s.

If we look at the M2 money supply data below, which is how the Federal Reserve broadly measures the money supply, you will notice the large increase that happened during the COVID pandemic to try and help stimulate the economy. People can debate back and forth if that was the right or wrong thing for politicians and the Federal Reserve to do. I would like to instead focus on some practical tips to help weather the “inflation storm” and potentially come out on the other side unscathed or even better than before!

Have an Emergency Fund!

Having money sitting in an emergency fund is not the most exciting tip, and inflation will indeed decrease that purchasing power. However, the purpose of an emergency fund is not to make a high return. It is to have a liquid supply of money available in an emergency. Going without one could lead to more serious financial issues if something unexpected happens and you don’t have enough cash to cover it. Since the Federal Reserve has started to increase interest rates, we should see that translate into higher yields on savings accounts soon!  

Typically, I’d recommend 3-6 months of living expenses in your emergency fund, but you may want more or less depending on your situation.

  • Are you single? 

  • Do you have children? 

  • Are you a one-income or two-income household? 

  • Is your job in a high-demand sector?

  • Could you easily find another job quickly if needed?

These are some questions you should consider when deciding how much money you should keep in your emergency fund. 

Own Assets!

Owning assets that produce income could help during high inflation and protect your purchasing power. As inflation increases, these income-producing assets should be able to increase their rates to help soften the blow felt by inflation. Real estate properties can command higher rents as inflation increases. If you can’t afford to purchase an entire property then REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts) are the other potential option to gain access to that asset class with smaller capital amounts. 

Owning businesses is similar. The money the business receives as income may become less valuable due to inflation. If the business can increase the prices charged for goods and services, then the greater amount of income could offset the money being worth less. If you can’t afford to purchase an entire business, then consider owning parts of businesses through stocks, mutual funds, or index funds.

Own Debt?

I wouldn’t encourage anyone to go out and accumulate more debt. If you already have a fixed low-interest debt such as a mortgage, it may make sense to delay paying it off early. If inflation remains high, the money you use to pay back that debt will be worth a lot less in the future than the money you originally received. Using that money to invest in other assets could be a much better option.

Review Your Expenses

With inflation running high it’s the perfect time to look at your expenses. Review what you are spending your money on to figure out if it aligns with your long-term goals. Do you need five different streaming services? Is it time to stop eating out as often and start cooking more at home? Is it time to start carpooling to save on gas prices? Incorporating some of these ideas to help reduce your expenses is another potential way to decrease the effect felt by high inflation.

Invest in Yourself

I saved the best for last! Investing in yourself is one of the best ways to deal with inflation. Learn a new skill, read a new book, take a new class/certification program, and grow your knowledge base. By making yourself more marketable to your current/future employer and providing more value for them, you should be able to command a higher salary. That can help make inflation not sting quite as much. Even though things will cost you more, earning more money to help offset those costs can be a difference-maker. 

James Clear, the author of Atomic Habits, shared a powerful principle: a 1% improvement every day leads to you being 37x better at the end of the year. And I’m confident you can get 1% better at something every day! Inflation does not prevent you from improving yourself.

Whatever abilities you have can’t be taken away from you. They can’t actually be inflated away from you. The best investment by far is anything that develops yourself, and it’s not taxed at all.
— Warren Buffett

Fiduciary Financial Advisors, LLC is a registered investment adviser and does not give legal or tax advice. Information presented is for educational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any securities. The information contained herein has been obtained from a third party source which is believed to be reliable but is subject to correction for error. Investments involve risk and are not guaranteed. Past performance is not a guarantee or representation of future results.